Rosemount 5900S LPG/LNG Antenna
The Rosemount 5900S with LPG/LNG antenna is a premium non-contact radar level gauge for
measurement on pressurized or cryogenic liquefied gas. Radar signals are transmitted inside the still-pipe
which enables the gauge to have a sufficiently strong echo even under turbulent conditions, such as a
boiling surface.
■ Custody transfer accuracy according to OIML R85:2008
■ Certified SIL 2 and SIL 3 capable according to IEC 61508
■ 2-in-1 functionality available for redundant level measurement
■ Reference device function enables measurement verification with the tank in service
■ Communicates via a 2-wire, low voltage Tankbus for easy and safe installation
■ Built-in pressure sensor for vapor compensation gives best measurement performance
■ Integrated ball valve
Multi Spot Temperature Sensor
- Get custody transfer net volume accuracy with three- or four-wire multiple spot temperature sensors for bulk liquid storage tanks.
- Improve accuracy with unique sensor calibration.
- Measure liquid temperature with up to 16 spot elements.
- Include specialized sensor for cryogenic tank temperature measurement in LNG applications (Rosemount 566).
- Combine with integrated water level sensor (Rosemount 765).
- Select from a wide range of accessories such as anchor weights and vapor boots.
Water Level Sensor
- Get custody transfer net volume accuracy with three- or four-wire multiple spot temperature sensors for bulk liquid storage tanks.
- Improve accuracy with unique sensor calibration.
- Measure liquid temperature with up to 16 spot elements.
- Measure free water level.
- Select from a wide range of accessories such as anchor weights and vapor boots.